Posts Tagged ‘City Council’
What’s Next for Watertown’s Winter Parking Ban? City Council Plans Review
WATERTOWN, MA — City Hall was filled to capacity Tuesday night, January 21, as Watertown residents gathered for a special City Council meeting to discuss the future of the city’s overnight winter parking ban. The ban, in effect from November through April, prohibits street parking overnight to facilitate snow removal and emergency response. The meeting,…
Read MoreWatertown Group Advocates for Repeal of Winter Parking Ban Ahead of Upcoming City Council Meeting
WATERTOWN, MA — The Watertown City Council will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, January 21st at 6 p.m. to discuss a petition calling for the repeal of the city’s winter parking ban. The petition, submitted by the group Watertown Citizens for Better Parking, argues that the current ban creates significant challenges for residents, particularly…
Read MoreEarly Voting Begins This Week | Resources for Watertown’s Local Election
On November 7th, Watertown voters will head to the polls to vote on contested races for City Council President and School Committee. Here is everything you need to know to help you prepare to cast your ballot. Election DayNovember 7th, 2023Polls open from 7am-8pmConfirm your voting location Polling Locations Precinct 1 Hellenic Cultural Center 29…
Read MoreOrdinance Establishing Watertown’s First Human RIghts Commission Heads to Council for Approval
WATERTOWN – The Watertown City Council’s subcommittee on Rules & Ordinances voted during its June 5th meeting to send the final draft of a Human Rights Commission ordinance to the CIty Council for approval. The establishment of a Human Rights Commission was one of over two-dozen additions to the city’s Home Rule Charter in 2021.…
Read MoreCouncilors Vote Down Proposed Zoning Amendment Affecting East End Church Site
WATERTOWN – The Watertown City Council voted down a developer’s proposed zoning amendment to apply the Religious & School Overlay District (RSOD) at 126-134 Templeton Parkway in Watertown. The site is home of the former Belmont Baptist Church. The RSOD allows developers to purchase and apply new uses to historic properties. However, most councilors believe…
Read MoreWatertown’s “Goose Dog” Enjoying New Life Chasing Geese Away From City’s Fields and Cemeteries
Watertown – WCN can now exclusively report that Vee, the City of Watertown’s new Goose Mitigation Dog, is a very good girl. Vee arrived in Watertown in April from a training facility in Virginia that trains dogs to herd and deter geese from fields. Watertown City Manager George Proakis announced that the city was acquiring…
Read MoreCity Council Supports Current Watertown DPW Employee for New Auditor
WATERTOWN – The Watertown City Council voted 8-1 during a special meeting on May 2nd to enter into negotiations with Megan Langan for the position of Watertown’s new City Auditor. Ms. Langan is a Watertown resident who has worked for the city’s Department of Public Works since October of 2021. Ms. Langan’s past experience include…
Read MoreWatertown Planning Officials Will Consider Citizen Petition Calling for Smaller Buildings
WATERTOWN – A citizen petition signed by over 200 residents was submitted to the City Council this week. The petition calls for a zoning amendment that would reduce the allowable size of buildings in the Central Business District, which is located around Watertown Square. By law, the City Council must refer the petition to the…
Read MoreWatertown Councilors Favor Unnaming Square Named for Columbus, Fate of Monument Unclear
WATERTOWN – In December of 2021, the Pigsgusset Initiative submitted a petition to the City Council with over 180 signatures asking the City of Watertown to start a process to rename the Columbus Delta in Watertown Square. In June of 2022, the council voted to refer the issue to the Committee on Public Works, who…
Read MoreNew, Large Developments in Watertown Will Now Chip in to Fund Affordable Housing
WATERTOWN – The Watertown City Council voted unanimously this week to adopt a zoning ordinance creating a linkage fee. Certain new developments over 30,000 square feet will pay a fee that will be used to create and sustain affordable housing in the city. The council approved the Planning Board’s recommendation of a linkage fee of…
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