
Become a Member!

As a member of WCA-TV, you have access to our cutting-edge studio and control room, private non-linear editing suites, and high definition digital production equipment. In addition, you can sign up for any of our numerous classes, which are taught by our professionally trained, TV industry staff. Here are the steps on how to get started:

Sign Up

WCA-TV is a part of the membership management site Isaac. We are currently only accepting members through this site. After being approved by a staff member, you can use all of the features ISAAC has to offer. Sign-up through the buttons below!



After you've signed up for your membership, you can start your workshop training with an Orientation Workshop! At our Orientation Workshop you'll learn more about WCA-TV, our Policies and Procedures, and get a brief field camera training. An Orientation Workshop is required to sign up for any subsequent workshops.
Our core workshops include Intro to Field Camera, Podcasting, Digital Video Editing, Field Lighting, and Studio Production! Learn the ins and outs of each piece of equipment and area of our station to start creating your own projects. We offer workshops seasonally throughout the year. Visit our Workshops page to learn more and check out the Classes Dashboard on your Isaac account to see what workshops we're currently offering! If you have any questions, email our Assistant Director at [email protected].


Once you sign up and complete our workshops, you’re ready to start making content. Equipment is available for check out on Isaac on a first-come-first-served basis. As soon as you know the date you need the equipment, submit a new reservation. You will receive an email letting you know if the reservation has been approved by a staff member.

Everything produced with WCA-TV equipment or resources will air on our cable channels. More information about ownership rights can be found in our Policies and Procedures.


If you have any questions about how to sign up or use ISAAC, please call (617) 923-8610 or email [email protected].

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