
Watertown Cable Access Corporation (WCA-TV) is a 501c3 private non-profit organization established to ensure access to cable television channels and facilities for all Watertown, MA residents, groups and institutions, and to provide education and training to such groups on the use of access equipment and facilities.

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As a PEG access station, WCA-TV provides three channels on cable as well as online, which broadcast live and pre-recorded videos within the categories of public, educational, and governmental programs. Governmental programs include coverage of local municipal meetings, which we provide in live, hybrid, or virtual formats. Educational programs include student-produced programming from Watertown high school students, as well as coverage of school sports and events such as graduations, awards nights, and assemblies. Public programs include our flagship program, Watertown Cable News, which is a staff run production produced by our Director of News and Studio Operations. Other public programs include community events such as parades, concerts, and community presentations, as well as shows produced in-house by our members.

Aside from our organization's duties to provide PEG access channels, our core programming includes teaching community members new skills, giving organizations a space to network and collaborate on projects, and providing a platform for residents to express themselves in a multitude of ways and capture the unique voices of our city. Community members can enhance or develop their skills in production in our various workshops, which include studio production, digital video editing, field camera production, podcasting, lighting and sports broadcasting. Additionally, we offer opportunities for community members to work as production assistants, on-camera talent, or announcers for high school sporting events. We also offer internships for students at the high school or college level.

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We measure our success based on the reach of our programming and the impact we make in our community through the work that we do. We strive to continue to expand our offerings in order to provide for those who have varying accessibility needs, whether it be physical or mental. Our goal is to continue to be an open and welcoming space for all, and to serve as a platform for our community to learn and express themselves.